Thursday, August 12, 2021


Conan O'Brien interviewing whoever is playing character Krystill. 


Huckabee interviewing Brian Head Welch. 



We'll draw the secular crowds into movie theaters with trailer(s) that reveal dark & heavy scenes and comical scenes. The Jesus scenes and scriptural scenes will not be seen in trailers or during secular, talk shows. This production is geared toward the unbeliever. It's inevitable that some holier than Thou Christians, like Rhonda Mirfin from Hidden Secrets, will mock 'Who Are You'. Same goes for seculars who won't believe, even after watching the film. Ya can't please them all. We might as well have fun with these young whipper snappers. Let them decide for themselves, in a way they never would have imagined, coming from a wild and crazy Christian who they can relate to.

In the movie Bridge to Terabithia, I assumed it was a fun kids movie, but I was bawling my eyes out after the girl died. This is how we treat the promotion of "Who Are You", with ambiguous assumption.

Butt's still, in their ticketed seats, we have a great opportunity to snatch the cookie monsters with a left-hook, into this faith-based, true-life testimonial, dripping with five, razor-sharp, chronologically-biblical, 3D visions of Jesus; inherently transforming the life of Kristy Sokol in the semi-musical film, "Who Are You? The Wildly-Deranged, True-Life Story of Krystill Lokos".



Movie posters, movie trailers and DVD's will have the entire title:

Who Are You? The Wildly-Deranged, True-Life Story of Krystill Lokos

Trailer: Do Not Add Jesus clips to the trailer, because that could turn people off from wanting to see the movie. 

The following clips are suggestions. Have fun making the trailer.

During the trailer, Michael Jackson's Black or White or Who Are You might be playing in the background, quietly during dialogue and then turned up during clips with no dialogue.

A.) Razorfist talking about the impending rapture because he's living it in real time as we look into the future. "Well folks, the aliens have finally arrived. Yup, they've come and taken their chosen ones off to their honey-nut tree in the clouds. Yesterday, around the world, millions of people vanished suddenly into oblivion. The only thing left was their clothing. What a bunch of perverted aliens."

B.) Nick throwing the football. Lightning strikes changing the dove into Jessica. Shia knocked out in the head by football. Credit names are NOT shown in trailer, so be sure to make a clip without the names.

C.) If you do add Jesus, then add Brian being lit up at the tree of life from the beginning credit scene, but just for the trailer have a close up of his face without showing his full body. That will at least attract the Brian Head Welch fans without secular people seeing that he's Jesus.

D.) Happy J and his jar of brains, Poinsettia disgusted, Winston sniffs the jar.

E.) Krystill and psyche patient roomy. (Gotta grab the Demi Lovato fans.)

F.) Hospital Janitor Bill Shatner saying his one and only line. (Gotta grab the Trekky's like a spaceship salesman would).

G.) Party scenes, of smoking and drinking and the Backstreet Goons in the courthouse square to attract Backstreet Boy fans.

H.) Rorschach test at psychiatrist office. 

I.) Cookie Monster drinking directly from the punch bowl.

J.) Happy J the beaver knocking on Norms door. Norm asks for the password. (Do NOT add 'We be the beweaving beavers in Jesursh'), because secular crowds might be put off by the name Jesursh. Not only is this about making money, but it's also challenging ourselves to put unbelievers into a theater with a Jesus film without them thoroughly knowing it.

K.) In the kitchen Rat Muppet, Tatooey, falls into the punch bowl of rainbow-light liquid and says, "Lord have mercy on my soul! I've seen the light" / Rat Muppet Rizzo says, "You've been listening to Dark Side of the Moon again, haven't you?"

L.) Clips of the demons attacking Kanye, Justin, Brian a.k.a. Marylin, and Alice; but not Corin or Jessica. Gotta attract the fans of these artists.

M.) Clip of the rainbow coming out of Krystill's heart and Stephen saying, "yeah that'll be the leprechauns." Gotta grab the rainbow, pride people too.

N.) Clip of Billie Eilish and Travis Scott at the campfire to attract the younger crowds.

Just For FUN

THE 700 G R U B

PROMOTIONAL INTERVIEW EXAMPLES Conan O'Brien interviewing whoever is playing character Krystill.  **************************************...